
Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Cluster "F" that Is Nakuru

So I have now been in Nakuru for nearly 5 days. I am here to work in an internship position with the Kenyan Wildlife Service, and have I worked with them yet? Nope. Have I even talked to someone that works for them? Nope. Apparently there has been some sort of mix up with my paperwork and I am now forced to wait around until it is sorted out. I'm really anxious to start here and so it sucks having to sit around and wait. Hopefully I'll be starting on Monday at least, but it may be another week or more.

I've since been placed with my host family. This is the great part about my internship. I am living with a woman that we call Mama Kena. She is, to put it best, pretty well off. We live in a really nice home that is far nicer than any home I've ever lived in to date. It is nearly a mansion. We live about 4 miles outside of Nakuru and have to be driven into town so that me and the other interns can go to work. The only difference is that I don't have a job and they all do. Mama Kena, seemingly, owns half of Nakuru. She owns a gas station, transportation line, bar, restaurant, streetside cafe, and a few other franchises. Honestly, every place we go she either owns or frequents enough to be known by the owner. It's pretty sweet.

However, I still have the issue with KWS and my job. That part really sucks, but to pass my time I've been going with the other interns to the Philadelphia Orphanage. I've been playing soccer with the kids on their lunch breaks and after school. In between, I just write in my journal or read a book. If I have to do this for another week the monotony may cause me to explode. I hope this whole thing gets settled, otherwise who knows what I'm going to do for the next two months. As it stands right now it is a giant cluster "f" as my mother would say.

Well that is all for now. Take care and kwa heri.


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