
Monday, May 18, 2009

Into Kenya

Kenya is something else: poor, beautiful, wild, and about a million other adjectives. One I would not use is developed. The roads here are crazy. What we would consider to be a two lane road turns into a six land highway in a matter of seconds. It is nearly as exciting as a NASCAR race that goes three wide into turn four (I can't believe I referenced NASCAR). Cars swerve, honk, and edge there way down the main highway, which connects Mombasa on the coast, to Nairobi (the capital), to Uganda, and even on into the Congo. Driving down the road you take in a breath full of dust and diesel fumes and struggle to clear it from your throat before inhaling another mixture. We ride along in Range Rovers just inches away from people walking, bicycling, and 5+ ton trucks. Dust swirls the entire way. Even when you are on a paved road it seems like dust is as common as the air you breath.

Along the side of the roads are people lingering next to Coca-Cola stands or just walking around for reasons related to unemployment. People wait in long lines outside of the factories on a daily basis for the chance at making a single day's wages. Yesterday we planted a forest of Acacia trees on the ranch we are staying at. There we were told that Kenyans who plant trees for the entire day would make 200 shillings. That is less than $3 for eight hours of work. We worked for 2 and 1/2 hours and I was spent. Kenya is definitely not a place for the weak willed.

In the national parks we've seen two cheetahs and a lion along with many other animals. Two days ago we went into the Great Rift Valley where some anthropologists believe mankind came from. The Rift Valley is the supposed site of the Garden of Eden, but today it is far from lush and home to only the Maasai and their cattle. It is now nearly completely arid and a very hot place. It is really amazing to see the Maasai. They wear the most beautiful colors and somehow always seem to look clean. After one day all of my clothes were covered in dust.

Overall, I find the Kenyan people to be friendly and easy to talk with. At first my Swahili was enough to get by with basic greetings, but now I can have brief conversations without much effort. They get such a kick out of people that are learning the language. Most are willing to teach you a new word or phrase. However, you must be willing to take some laughing at in return.

Anyway, I must be going. We need to leave Nairobi soon or it will take hours to get out of the city.

Kwa Heri (goodbye),



  1. I would like you to bring me either a cheetah or a lion (cub preferably) home. thanks!

    p.s. I saw Chris Hansen. He said "what up" and he is waiting for you to come home. haha

    Miss You!! Courtney

  2. Hey Jordan, You bring any books? That'd be on my short list of essentials. And who's the "we" you refer to? Make any buds yet? If you get too tired again planting trees or whatever, I'll send you one of my bottles of Geritol. Hey, if you ever get to a city in China, you'll think fondly of that good clean diesel, dusty African air.

    David C

  3. : )

    Sounds fantastic, can't believe you've already seen a cheetah, and so awesome you're picking up some Swahili already!

    Learn something new everyday so you can wear your Grandpa Jo hat and tell us all stories underneath the Bon Jovi Poster when you return.

  4. Wow I thought Kenya was gonna be like a whole new place until you said coca-cola machine. Kiddin, but are you on the move or are at a semi-permanent place right now? Glad everything is going well. Miss you dearly.

  5. You're in Kenya. That's so weird to think about, I don't know why. I think it's really cool though, I hope you're loving it right now. I'm pretty jealous really. Anyways, be safe, don't die, and have fun!!!

    Anna (Trup Trup) actually I don't know how to spell my own nickname. I lead a sad life.

  6. Jordan! It sounds wonderful! I would love to hear more of what you are seeing! Mostly because I am not there and really wish I was! I hope things are going great and that you are having as much fun with your SA crew this year as we did! Stay safe, and keep blogging!
    ~ Betsy
