
Sunday, July 29, 2012

The End of Community Entry

Community Entry just ended for me yesterday.  This is a bit of a milestone for any Peace Corps Volunteer.  CE is a period where the volunteer, more or less, stays at their site and in their community for three months straight.  It is supposed to be the longest continuous time span that the volunteer stays in their community.  In short, it's a three month period where the volunteer gets used to the village and villagers, and in return they get used to the volunteer.

Sounds a little like a prison sentence (not being able to leave, a set time frame, and so on), but it isn't quite that bad.  It's definitely worth getting to know them and allowing them to get to know me, because so many of the relationships that are cultivated now are going to be with the people that I may work with for the duration of my service.  And, of course, first impressions are everything.  If I stick around and they see me everyday, then they'll start to realize that I'm actually there to work and help them, not just to do some sightseeing.

Anyway, that part is over and done with.  Now I'm out of Community Entry and I can move around the province, and even country, a little hear and there.  It just feels nice knowing that 6 months have gone by and I'm still enjoying Peace Corps and all it has to offer.

A few, short, brief updates....

1.  My mailing address for the rest of my service will be:

Jordan Blekking, PCV
PO Box 130050
Mufumbwe, North-Western Province

2.  In case you were wondering how many elephants I've seen here in Zambia (my blog is named Tracking Elephants after all) the total to date is... 0.  There just isn't the wildlife there used to be.

3.  Total number of snakes seen: so many I've lost count... maybe around 20?  Or more?

4.  The website Online Education Database has ranked my blog the 25th best Peace Corps blog in the world.  I have no idea what this website is about, who they are, or what they based it on, but that's nice I thought.

Me working in my demonstration garden.
The garden is to show improved water holding techniques for garden beds.

1 comment:

  1. Jon Bon expects your blog to move up in its standings.
